Zahnarzt-Gemeinschaftspraxis Dres. Hamann & Schmücker in Rostock - Groß Klein

ZMVZ Rostock Groß Klein

Dr. Hamann and Colleagues

an MVZ of Acura Dental MVZ GmbH
Schiffbauerring 16

18109 Rostock, Germany

Dentist visit for Danish patients in Rostock

During the past years, our practice has experienced a strong increase in the number of Danish patients. The reason are the considerably higher dental fees in Denmark. For implants and comprehensive dental provisions our Danish patients usually save about half the treatment costs - even if considering the travel expenses. Also the waiting time for a dental treatment is often substantially shorter here than in Denmark.

During the day, the ferry from Gedser to Rostock runs every two hours. You can either come by car and combine your dentist visit with a shopping tour or a walk through the town. Or you leave your car in Gedser and take a taxi from the ferry terminal.

Simply agree an appointment with us or via our partner After a dental examination you will receive a complete treatment plan, and back in Danmark you can decide if you want to get the recommended treatment.

Zahnarztbesuch für dänische Patienten in Rostock