Root treatment
During a root treatment the diseased or necrotic
dental pulp inside the tooth is being removed and replaced by a
root filling.
Usually due to a very deep caries the dental pulp gets inflamed
and subsequently it has to be removed. In addition, dental
fractures caused by an accident, biting on a very hard object or
tooth grinding can necessitate a root treatment.
Of course, any treatment will be made as gentle and careful as
possible. Modern anesthetic methods like the intraligamentary and
the intrapulpal injection provide a safe local anesthesia even in
difficult cases.
Special appliances like modern endodontic treatment motors,
endometric root length measurement devices and surgical loupes with
confocal LED light are essential parts of an endodontic treatment
that meets the current state of scientific dentistry.
After completing the root filling a tooth can be restored by a
composite resin filling or, if it is profoundly damaged, by a

X-ray-gauging of the root filling points

X-ray after root filling